View Full Version : TV crapped out

07-21-2011, 05:58 PM
Just so you all will really understand what a old stick I am, my Samsung DLP TV died. This is actually a tv my wife bought about a million years ago and all I have ever done with it is to turn it on and watch it. last year the lamp went out and the wife fixed it while I was gone and I thought that was pretty good of the old girl. Anyway last night it made a loud humming noise and the picture color changed. Little like a disk drive spinning up but loud. Asked the wife what she thought and she said, well trouble shoot it! The indicator in front says lamp. So I got the back pulled off and checked the lamp and found a bunch of cool stuff. Theres a little fan that blows on the lamp and other stuff and it does this through a bit of baffling and has a pressure switch to cut everything off if it should stop. It's a mix of caveman and technology thrown together. Anyway that's not the problem, from what I have read there is a color wheel buried deep inside in a clever secret place that spins at a high rpm. I have no idea how a wheel spinning can cast color onto a screen. But my money is that it has lost a bearing and that is what is making that loud humming noise that sounds like large disc drive coming up to speed. So here is where I'm reaching out to see if any of you know anything about a DLP TV? But I'm willing to say I bet I'm the only oine here today that can say my TV threw a bearing last night.

AWE Daniel
07-21-2011, 06:12 PM
Get a new one, my advice, I have a 50" Samsung plasma 3D and it rules

07-21-2011, 06:25 PM
Led ftw!

07-21-2011, 06:37 PM
What! no insight on the technologies of yesteryear? Common someone explain how this works.

07-21-2011, 06:39 PM
I had a 60" DLP a couple years ago. It was a couple years old at the time. I sold it to my sister after the divorce for extra money and it is still works great. But, I couldn't tell you how one works or how to fix it.

07-21-2011, 06:44 PM
Lee, I probably wouldn't understand anyway. But spinning disks, mercury lamps and mulitple cooling fans intrige me. Sounds like bits and pieces of a time machine.

07-21-2011, 06:55 PM
Well Greg, you could always have a few drinks and tear into it or take it apart. Hell, it's broke anyway, what's the worst you could do?

07-21-2011, 07:04 PM
Lee, I'm way ahead of you. Before this is over I'm going to have my hands on that secret spinning color wheel. I see great things for a piece like that. There are a few stickers saying stuff like dangerous material inside and dispose of properly. I guess that means shoot it twice, but no more than thirty times. I'm going to have some fun with it before it goes.

07-21-2011, 07:07 PM
^ LOL! Have fun!

07-21-2011, 07:13 PM
The color wheels going bad on those is a common problem. I had a 57" Mitsubishi DLP 1080i rear projector as my first HDTV. We had only one prob with it, collecting dust on the mirrors, which looked like a huge blob when cast on the screen. However, my son when he was like almost 2, decided he wanted to spray degreaser on the screen. Since we didnt notice it at first, it wicked through the outside screen, into the delicate middle screen (there are 3 screens in a DLP tv, the middle one being the most costly)...we ended up getting rid of it, and got a LCD 1080P.

Alot of people complain about the lack of contrast with a DLP, however, you can fix that and get better PQ if you line the inside of it with black felt. The insides can be reflective, which lessens the contrast in the screen.

Also, DLP's will really wake up if they are properly calibrated by a A/V tech...if you go on Amazon, you can get HDTV calibrating DVD's that will help you do it at home, but the best way to do it is to get into the factory settings that you wont be able to get into at home.

07-22-2011, 10:09 AM
Adam, thanks for the insight. Spoke with the wife and she thinks it should be replaced. So looks like I have a few pieces for my molecular transfer beam gun. If you guys feel a slight trimmer this afternoon means I got the power supply up to full power. Had a slight misfire and ole Lucky has his limp back.